JALIYA GALLOWAY, Contributing Writer
On October 14-18, students and staff participated in the Fall Pep Week. NBTHS students and staff chose to show spirit for the Fall Sports and the Homecoming Dance. Students and staff participated in the Pep Week, supporting their grade level by dressing up in the required attire chosen by the SGO. There were 5 chosen themes that were included: Hawaiian day, Dynamic Duos, Pink for Breast Cancer, Class Color day, and Blue and Gold day.
For Hawaiian day, people wore Hawaiian themed shirts, and accessories like a lei necklace to show their Hawaiian spirit. For Dynamic Duo day, people wore outfits with a friend and dressed up as a duo. For example, a duo would be Ketchup and Mustard, Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Mario and Luigi, etc. Pink for Breast Cancer day was to wear pink to represent Breast Cancer awareness, and to symbolize the support and hope to fight against it. For Class Color day, students and staff would dress up as their assigned color for their grade. The freshmen were green, sophomores were red, juniors were blue, seniors were black, and staff were grey. Last but not least, Blue and Gold day was to dress up to represent NBTHS' colors for the Fall Pep Rally.
Lots of people dressed to impress, and lots of photos and memories were saved and remembered throughout the week. More activities will be upcoming during the year. Make it a great day at NBTHS!