By: CHRIS CAMARGO, Contributing Writer
April 30, 2019
The golf team has played against many schools throughout the spring season. Some being home games at Tamarack Golf course with others being away games. However, the golf team has been performing consistently well. They have won a majority of the scheduled games so far. Some being against Edison High School, Middle sex High School, South River High School, and Colonia High School. Unfortunately, the team has experienced some losses. They have lost against Metuchen High School, J.P. Stevens High School, and South Plainfield High School. If the golf team manages to win the next few games, they will be qualified to play in the state championships. From then on they have to win the rest of the games in order to win the championship. It may seem like a lot of pressure, but they will be able to succeed with their great all star line of members.

Alen Chervin, senior member of the team, stated “I know that our team will win. Our golf captain is very talented and so are the other members. The coaches have taught us everything we needed to know about the game. No matter what the outcome is, we will have done our best!”
Good luck to the Raiders golf team for the rest of the season!