by SNEHA BURLE, Staff Writer
Saturday, November 9, 2019
On Saturday, November 9, 2019, the 2019 Raider Robotix team hosted their annual Brunswick Eruption tournament in Linwood Middle School. Brunswick Eruption is a tournament hosted by the NBTHS Raider Robotix team. This is a tournament focused on charity and helping the community, therefore all proceeds and profits of food and shirt sales went to charity. Robotics teams from 40 schools all around New Jersey come to compete and bring their robotics robot. Results of winning in the tournament did not count towards movement in regionals, because Brunswick Eruption was strictly charity. In the Linwood gym was where the tournament was held. The competition was held from 8 am to 6:30 pm. During the tournament, there are many matches of games. The robots from robotics teams compete on stage, as they fight each other, but also try to win a game of putting giant rubber balls in designated hoops. Each match consisted of six robots, one from every school, in which six teams competed in each match. Eventually, alliances with teams were formed as semi-finals came around. Two groups of three teams competed, with the names of the group being the Red Alliance and the Blue Alliance. However, another school won the Brunswick Eruption tournament. All in all, it was a good day for all, with fun incorporated whilst giving back to the North Brunswick community.