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What do Students Really Think about Online School?

Updated: Mar 30, 2021


It has been over two months since virtual schooling has started for North Brunswick Township High School, and considerable changes have been made that impacted both teachers and students from all ages. Julia Kielblock, a freshman in the school, had anticipated change from the dull life of middle school and went as far as to say, “this isn't at all what I imagined my freshman year of school to be like. I anticipated a more active experience, going to school, maybe getting lost at first, but expanding my world a bit. Instead, it feels exactly like middle school did at the end of last year: trapped in a little bubble, somewhat lonely and a bit repetitive.” School for many students is not only a source to learn but a way that they create a social life for themselves and it can be seen in Kielblocks, words that online schooling has taken away any chance of that. Many psychologists believe that this lack of socialization combined with the increase in grueling hours on phones and computers will lead to deterioration of student mental health. This is evident in NBTHS students as many of them state the same idea over and over again. Arham Chowdrey, a sophomore explained, “ studying from home has its perks, but It is lonely and I, miss my friends.” This feeling of loneliness could have effects far more than many foresee.

However online schooling has not been all negative; Melvin Leon, a junior in high school, explained the advantages of online education as he looks to the brighter side. He portrays it as an experience in which all students can gain knowledge that they might need in the real world. Senior, Israel Martinez continued with this idea stating that the stress and lack of sleep have declined as the study halls and ten minutes between classes allow him to “chill” and rest. With all the new changes occurring with students, many have forgotten that online schooling has changed a considerable part of the teacher's life. In our school, Ms. Miller, an algebra II teacher, stated that she would never have thought she would have to teach her students from across a screen. She explained, “Although I never thought I would be teaching 100% virtually, the adaptation needed to meet the challenges is a similar skill from when I first started teaching.” The new world of teaching has caused many teachers to move back to block one and now in addition to the hardships of technology they need to learn new methods that will help their students learn. Teachers and students in the district, state, and country have been affected by the virtual learning environment, whether it's for the good or the bad of the school community that is for you to decide.


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