WILEYNI CABA, Contributing Writer

Sue Baldini, Principal's Secretary, won ESP of the year. When she found out that she was a nominee and was told she was the winner, she sat in her chair in pure disbelief and asked her friend, who was sitting next to her in the meeting, "Did you know about this?" It was a nice surprise and honor to be nominated knowing that her colleagues think so highly of her and also says how she truly loves her job, she loves seeing the kids everyday and how it is just something new everyday making it enjoyable to experiences. She loves her job and it may seem like a breeze but, there are difficult tasks she must complete throughout the day some of which include finding substitutes to cover teachers classes, picking out honor roll students, and as one may guess one of the things she has to do is help the principal, Mr. Kneller.

Baldini used to attend NBTHS as a student; she was part of the graduating Class of 1977, her class was the first class to complete the full four years at the high school. Baldini was not always the Principal's Secretary, she started at Livingston Park as a Para then moved here to NBTHS and worked in attendance for about 8 years before finally becoming the Principal's Secretary.
She loves her job and working for Mr. Kneller; she appreciates what a nice person he is and loves how he is all about jeans day just because he knows she loves jeans! Baldini says, "It is truly an honor to work for NBTHS and for Mr. Kneller." She has now been with NBTHS for almost 20 years!
Being Principal's Secretary can surely be a lot of work and sometimes it might take up a lot of time to complete other tasks, one thing that Baldini does to manage her time and complete all of her tasks is plan the next day ahead of time. She also plans the substitutes schedules for classes they'll be covering. "Always Look Ahead!"
Sue Baldini is an amazing person and deserved to win ESP of the year, the thought of her colleagues nominating her only proves how awesome and charismatic she is. As honored and happy she is of winning her friends shared the joy with her. Congratulations for winning ESP of the year!