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Celebrating NBTHS' 50th Anniversary, With a Rutgers Mural

WILEYNI CABA, Contributing Writer

NBTHS just turned 50 years old. It all started in the year 1973, and now in celebration of these past 50 years of successes and triumphs, Rutgers University and NBTHS students have put their creative minds together to create a mural commemorating the 50th Anniversary.

CO Art Labs had the idea for this mural to promote the change the school has made and show the part students play in making this truly a great school and community. John Keller, artist of CO Art Labs, said "I think our expectations that our mural would be something that really speaks to the students. I think that it [will] definitely spark something that [will] stand for the students." They are truly doing amazing things not only for the school, but for the North Brunswick community as well; it is going to be a site to bring everyone together and share this beautiful piece of art work with newcomers of North Brunswick.

A Rutgers workshop was held in the art room in the MRC (school library). the first workshop was on April 16, 2024, where Rutgers CO Art Labs introduced the idea of the mural and why they decided to do this for North Brunswick Township High School. April 17, 2024 was a more hands on; CO Art Labs gave students activities to participate in, where they had to share their thoughts and determine who they were as artists and students. The students who attended this workshop seemed excited and interested in talking about themselves knowing this would be used to represent the mural.

CO Art Labs Artists had students read things said by students who attended NBTHS in its early days. Students pulled out a sentence that stood out to them and they had to draw whatever this sentence appeared as in their minds. The room was filled with positivity and smiles, which made the guests feel welcomed and inspired. The drawings made by the students will be used to increase the creative mind of the artist who will be painting this mural. All of the students who participated were extremely artistic and creative and used their minds to put together this touching work of art.

This is going to be a great representation of the community North Brunswick has become. Professor Urben, Professor at Rutgers University, sent out a grant for the change between New and North Brunswick and how NBTHS came to be, this is why a mural was the perfect idea. This will truly be a wonderful way to represent the unity of the school with the students and future generations.


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