By: CHRIS CAMARGO, Contributing Writer
May 9, 2019
Before spring break, a contest was held for the Class of 2019. This being the t-shirt design contest. Students in the 12th grade could submit their t-shirt designs. Then vote on a link provided on the Class of 2019 Instagram account. The voting period lasted around two days with there being one vote per user. This decision was made in order to make the process fair and to prevent any spam responses from the same accounts tied in votes. At first, six designs were chosen. However, after the voting process was complete, three designs had the exact vote percentage. This caused another voting session to break the tie. In the end, only one was chosen. The majority of voters had picked the Avengers inspired design created by Jack Cortez. Once, the design was revealed to the students, many were outraged. Some stated it look ridiculous with others wanting a new design.
After a day, the post about the winning shirt was removed from the account. Jack Cortez, senior at NBTHS and winner of the shirt, stated "I designed the shirt after Avengers Endgame as a way to symbolize how our high school journey was ending just like the journey the characters in the film go through. Not only that, but many were excited for the film. So it made sense doing this for the class shirt. Even there was hate regarding the shirt, I'm glad there were people that enjoyed it and like the design". However, due to the backlash, the class officer decided there would not be any Senior Class t-shirt.