Good afternoon fellow classmates, administrators, Board of Education, family members and friends. Seniors, we finally made it! So many moments have shaped these past four years of high school, and we were fortunate enough to go through them together. Some of these events were heartbreaking, such as the deaths of a faculty member and two unforgettable students. We supported each other through these difficult times, and they strengthened the bonds between us as classmates, and as a community. But there were also moments of celebration and triumph.
One of the biggest accomplishments of the past year was the varsity football team making it all the way to the state sectional championships! What an amazing experience that was, being a senior and finally winning more than two games. The girls’ lacrosse team won GMC’s, and the Alchemist Theatre Company received nominations for the Foxy and Rising Star awards. The Robotix team had another successful season, and the Winter Percussion ensemble won a third straight championship. Mr. Clark began his well-earned retirement after an outstanding career, and Mr. Kneller stepped in to do an amazing job leading our school; I wish him the best of luck in the upcoming years.
Seniors, we have been through so much together. From the walkout, we had last year in response to the Parkland school shooting, to almost having our eyebrows burned off from multiple gas leaks in one day. And who can forget our extra week of mold-induced summer vacation? We have grown together in this school for four years, and I know every single one of us tried our hardest to keep our grades up for just one last marking period. But guess what? We did it. No more worrying about taking a high school final, no more worrying about AP testing, and the best part: no more waking up at six am. We can leave this school with pride in ourselves and each other, knowing that we all pushed through and made it this far.
Our story is just beginning. We overcame one of the most stressful parts of our lives, and we are all ready to go down the paths we were meant to take. Whether that be college, the military, or the workforce, we are all ready to move on and experience our lives. The High school has brought us many good and bad memories, but we wouldn’t be where we are today without them. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, ”The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” If you follow your dreams, you can achieve great things. We made our mark in high school, now it’s time for us to make our mark in the world. Thank you, and congratulations to the Class of 2019.
