The Banner was able to interview Emily Camlet to find out a bit more about who she is and the passions that drive her. Emily is a junior this year and will be graduating in 2022. Kimberly Firrello sat down with her to discuss his enthusiasm for both soccer and the arts. Emily Camlet has given permission for her words, name and any photos given to be used in this article.
Emily Camlet is heavily involved in the arts. She explained she is a dancer, part of the Honors Choir at NBTHS, and takes piano lessons. She explains the beginnings of the passions, “I started dancing when I was four years old. My mom put me in dancing because she has been a dancer her whole life and was a dance teacher. I started choir because I wanted to follow my brother cause he did it and I wanted to be like him. I started taking piano lessons when I was six years old.” She explains that she has been involved for a vast majority of her life and her family has had a lot to do with that. She is passionate about dance because “it serves as an outlet for me to showcase my expressive side that you don’t really get to display in your regular life”. She has had many supportive teachers and credits dance with many strong friendships and memories. Her interest in choir “most definitely came from my brother” because “I wanted to be like him when I was younger and wanted to do what he was doing.” Emily explains that she has always enjoyed singing and loves that she can go somewhere and share her interest. She adds, “Choir has helped me appreciate different types of genres and different songs that I wouldn’t normally listen to.” She strongly feels like being a part of choir has broadened her horizons and shown her multiple sides to music. In terms of playing the piano, in the beginning it was very tough and even to this day there are times when she spends some time figuring out a certain piece. However she explains that her young age was most helpful, “It was relatively easy because starting young had a lot to do with that. My teacher gave me a very solid technical background which sticks with you your whole career.” She says, “Being able to hear a song and then play it is pretty rewarding.”
Aside from her musical background, Emily Camlet is an avid athlete. She has been playing soccer since she was around four years old. Although her mother enrolled her in the sports program, soccer has been a big part of her family. She elaborates, “My grandfather would coach my mom and has great knowledge of the sport.” Once she started the sport, she said she wanted to stick with it. Besides her family connection and history with soccer, her passion stems from feeling free when playing. She goes on, “It requires skills so you need to practice and there is always a chance to improve. I like how the games are different every time and there is an element of unpredictability which makes it so interesting to play.” Her coaches have played a huge part in her soccer career and have helped her build on her love from the sport. She loves the uncertainty of the game and how fast paced everything is. She describes, “A game can suddenly change course and you have to adapt.” She acknowledges that adaptability has helped her in her everyday life and has helped her become resilient. Playing soccer for NBTHS showed Emily “how committed you have to be” and the level of dedication it requires. She says, “There are a lot of long days and practices and you have to get used to it. I’m pretty thankful for that too because I can take that into my regular life. You're going to have your bad days but you can’t put half your effort in.” She absolutely loves the connections she has made through the team and the teamwork it inspires. She explains that playing with a team has shown her the importance of a positive dynamic. With club soccer she says, “It can be a little bit more competitive than school soccer. Within the club you have people who have been playing for so long. You can really see the different levels of skill.”
Aside from playing for the NBTHS soccer team, Emily Camlet is an active member of Student Government. She is the Vice President of the class of 2022. Her role is to help the president and come up with ideas and event planning. She keeps the student body and faculty up to date with any progress being made. She reminisces, “I remember back in 5th grade when we had our little student government. I ran for vice president and won. I have always been drawn to helping others and thought student government would be a great way.” She ran in her freshman year because “ everyone says that this is the best four years of your life, whether you agree or not, you're going to look back on these events and I want people to look back on it fondly.” She enjoys the creativity she has in her position and the ability to work as a team with her fellow class officers who also share a desire to help others. Although it can be time consuming, she says her passion stems from creating events and experiences her peers enjoy. “If I can do something to make someone's high school experience better, then I most definitely will.”
She explains how each activity has shaped her into the person she is today. “Each activity kind of benefits me even outside of that activity. So dancing improved my strength in soccer which improves my stamina in dance. The arts have improved my focus. Student government has taught me life long skills like working as a team. Everything I do builds my confidence and adds to my determination to always be a better person and improve at what I do whenever I can. There is always room for improvement and if I can take it I will.” Emily Camlet will run again for Vice President for her senior year and looks forward to continuing her passions in the dance studio, on the field, and with her friends.

Photo Courtesy of EMILY CAMLET

Photo Courtesy of EMILY CAMLET

Photo Courtesy of Emily Camlet