Eric Ackerman
Nick Carvounis Memorial Scholarship for the Arts
American Choral Directors Association Award for Excellence in Music
Hubert Addo
Ryan T. Folger Memorial Scholarship for Soccer
Gaelin Adom
Donald Szabadics Woodworking Scholarship
Nayeli Aymat
Italian Honor Society
Alchemist Theatre Company Award
Chartwells Educational Dining Scholarships
Nithyasree Balaji
Mathematics Department AP Computer Science Award
Commended Students in the 2020 National Merit Scholarship Program
Keron Barbour
NBTHS Football Parents Association Scholar Athlete Award
Sidharth Bejugama
National Merit Scholar
NBTHS Valedictorian Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement
Raymond Reehil Memorial Award for Excellence in Mathematics
Model UN Club Award
NBTHS Band Parents Association Instrumental Award
Joanna Bernard
Chartwells Educational Dining Scholarships
NBTHS Choir Senior Service Award
John Berth
NBTHS Band Parents Association Instrumental Award
Jada Bess
Joseph R. Fritsche Award
Cross Country Leader of the Year Award
Laila Birchett
Care to Walk Senior Scholarship of Excellence
Princess Boachie
John Adams PTA Award
Tanya Bonde
Commended Students in the 2020 National Merit Scholarship Program
Sophia Boni
NBTHS Football Parents Association Scholar Athlete Award for Cheer
NBTHS PTSO Scholarship
Adams Ladies Social Club Award
Aubrey Pappas Memorial Scholarship
Zachary Boni
Mayor Paul J. Matacera Scholarship
Zaniyah Boykins
NBTHS Lady Raiders Basketball Team Award
NBTHS Band Parents Association Instrumental Award
Christine Brandt
Principal’s Service Award
Allison Brower
Eunice de Clark Davidson Student Government Scholarship for Dedicated Service to NBTHS and SGO
Alyssa Brown
Student Government Organization Recognition Award
Keris Calhoun
NBTHS Lady Raiders Basketball Team Award
French Honor Society Award for Excellence in French
NBTHS Band Parents Association Instrumental Award
Varun Chari
Commended Students in the 2020 National Merit Scholarship Program
NBTHS Parents Association Instrumental Award
Seairah Chiles
NBTHS Lady Raiders Basketball Team Award
National Honor Society Award for Distinguished Service and Leadership
“vonB” Leadership Award for Excellence in Basketball
Adams AC Pop Warner Scholastic Recognition
Amanda Collado
North Brunswick Board of Education Student Representative Award
Gloria Zastko Realtors Scholarship Award for Excellence in Business
North Brunswick Township Administrators Education Association Award for Exemplary Leadership
Dune Scholarship Fund
NJPSA Student Leadership Scholarship
Julia Davies
Michael J. Torchia Rock-A-Thon Award
Aaliyah DeGeorge
Deer Brook Village Community Scholarship
Avani Deshpande
Indo American Cultural Foundation of NJ Award
Lauren Duffy
Michael J. Torchia Rock-A-Thon Award
Macarena DuQue
All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten: Nancy Allegro Memorial Scholarship
Margarita Eid
NBTHS Guidance Caring Award
Frank Hahenfeld Memorial Award presented by New Brunswick Kiwanis Club
Michele Ekwo
French Honor Society Award for Excellence in French
Abdelrahman Elsayed
Joseph M. Whalen, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Mahmoud Elzayat
National Art Honor Society
Jeffrey Eng
Commended Students in the 2020 National Merit Scholarship Program
Badr Ettadloui
Cross Country Leader of the Year 2020
Nicholas Farah
NBTHS Band Parents Association Instrumental Award
Kyla Farmer
Michael J. Torchia Rock-A-Thon Award
Jasmine Flanders
Commended Students in the 2020 National Merit Scholarship Program
German Honor Society Award for Excellence in German
Katelyn Freebern
Rob Stoffel Memorial Scholarship
Edward Funez
NBTHS Band Parents Association Instrumental Award
Giselle Garriga
French Honor Society Award for Excellence in French
Alchemist Theatre Company Award
Matthew Girello
Film Production Club Award
Linwood Middle School PTSO Scholarship
Dylan Glassman
Donald Szabadics Woodworking Scholarship
North Brunswick Baseball and Softball Association Scholarship in Memory of Christopher Zerby
Ruth Gobena
Aubrey Pappas Memorial Scholarship
Joseph Gosner
North Brunswick Soccer Club’s E. Brian Snediker Memorial Scholarship
Learning Center Award
Saydi Gravesande
National Art Honor Society
Yaziana Guzman
Kinvolved Scholarship
Brittany Hague
North Brunswick Women’s Club Award
Nick Carvounis Memorial Scholarship for the Arts
NBTHS PTSO Scholarship
Sydnee Hopson
North Brunswick Women’s Club Awsard
North Brunswick Township Education Association Mark Balaban Scholarship
Lineth Jaquez
Lt. John Nastus Memorial Award
Mariah Jarvis
Mary Kortbawi Roy Scholarship Sponsored by Livingston Park PTA
Kunal Jha
Finalist in the 2020 Competition for National Merit Scholarships
Aymen Kabel
Commended Students in the 2020 National Merit Scholarship Program
Dune Scholarship Fund
Siya Kakumanu
Model UN Club Award
Ryan Kappes
North Brunswick Township Administrator’s Education Association Award for Exemplary Leadership
Raider Swimmer Award for Leadership
Sanmoy Karmaker
Indo American Cultural Foundation of NJ Asward
Kanishka Foundation, Inc. Scholarship
Zinobia Khan
Distinct Engineering Solutions, Inc. Award for Engineering Studies
Drew Kilheeney
North Brunswick Baseball and Softball Association Scholarship
Cross Country Leader of the Year Award
Valerie Kozyrenko
Photographer Excellence Award
Raider Swimmer Award for Leadership
Art Pop Award
Rob Stoffel Memorial Scholarship
Christopher Pellicane Memorial Scholarship
Zachary Kronish
NBTHS Band Parents Association Instrumental Award
Alchemist Theatre Company Award
Zoe Kronish
NBTHS Band Parents Association Instrumental Award
Science Superstar Award
Dr. Peter J Bowman Scholarship
North Brunswick First Aid and Rescue Squad Award in Memory of Russ Calabro, Sr.
Paul Kuchler
NBTHS PTSO Scholarship
Cross Country Leader of the Year Award
Distinct Engineering Solutions, Inc. Award for Engineering Studies
Our Lady of Peace Spirit of the Columbiettes Award
North Brunswick Baseball and Softball Association Scholarship in Memory of Christopher Zerby
Xaria La’Mar
NBTHS Band Parents Association Instrumental Award
North Brunswick Township Education Association Mark Balaban Scholarship
North Brunswick Soccer Club’s E. Brian Snediker Memorial Scholarship
Anthony Schiavone Memorial Scholarship in Music-Livingston Park PTA
Andrew LaVielle
NBTHS DECA Officer Award
Principal’s Service Award
Ashley Levitt
Student Government Organization Recognition Award
Chartwells Educational Dining Scholarship
Olivia Lopez
Painted Words Design Award
Holly Mairs
Chartwells Educational Dining Scholarship
Malcolm Malone
Linwood Middle School PTSO Scholarship
NBTHS Band Parents Association Instrumental Award
Katherine Manley
Ralph Probasco Prevention Using Student Help Award for Excellent Service to Drug Education
Principal’s Service Award
Sal Liguori Outstanding Leadership and Service Memorial Scholarship
NBTHS Lacrosse Parents Association Good Sport Award and Scholarship
Damien Miller
Joan Marie Genovese Scholarship Award
Dominic Moccio
NBTHS Band Parents Association Instrumental Award
Nikhil Murali
NBTHS Band Parents Association Instrumental Award
Asuar Napier
Adams AC Pop Warner Scholastic Recognition Award
Angel Nunez Toledo
Susan Quabeck Scholarship Memorial Fund
Caroline Orokos
Aubrey Pappas Scholarship
Michael J. Torchia Rock-A-Thon Award
NBTHS Spirit Award
Cortelyou-Sincak Scholarship sponsored by the Six Mile Run Reformed Church
NBTHS Lacrosse Parents Association Good Sport Award and Scholarship
Adrian Ortiz
Donald Szabadics Woodworking Scholarship
Kevin Ortiz Hernandez
Donald Szabadics Woodworking Scholarship
Khushi Patel
Film Production Club Award
Leah Patel
Ralph Probasco Prevention Using Student Help Award for Excellent Service to Drug Education
Rima Peddi
NBTHS Salutatorian Award for Outstanding Academic Leadership
Finalist in the 2020 Competition for National Merit Scholarships
Model Un Club Award
Linwood Middle School PTSO Scholarship
Principal’s Service Award
Distinct Engineering Solutions, Inc. Award for Engineering Studies
Kenia Peralta Rodriguez
Manuel Machado Chapter of the Hispanic Honor Society Excellence in Spanish Award
Tyrell Pereira
Anthony J. Grieco Memorial Scholarship
Manasi Prakash
North Brunswick First Aid and Rescue Squad in Memory of Russ Calabro, Sr.
Nikhil Ramavenkat
Model UN Club Award
Andrew Ramos
Our Lady of Peace Spirit of the Columbiettes Award
Lahari Rani
Spanish Club Award for Excellence in Club Activities and Leadership
Aarushi Rathaur
German Honor Society Award for Excellence in German
Praneel Reddy
Model UN Club Award
Jonathan Reyes
NBTHS Band Parents Association Instrumental Award
Antonio Ricardo Reyes
Marguerite Andrews Memorial Scholarship
Nicholas Rivera
Film Production Club Award
Caleb Rodriguez
North Brunswick Baseball and Softball Association Scholarship
Abisola Rosiji
Amy L. MacDonald Memorial Scholarship
Andrew Rudolph
Michael J. Torchia Rock-A-Thon Award
Alchemist Theatre Company Award
NBTHS PTSO Scholarship
Justine Samson
National Art Honor Society
Painted Words Creativity Award
Valerie Grollman Award for Excellence in the Fine Arts given by David Alexander and Family
NBTHS Band Parents Instrumental Award
Principal’s Service Award
Luis Sanchez-Ramos
Donald Szabadics Woodworking Scholarship
Amelia Santiago
“vonB” Leadership Award for Excellence in Softball
Rashel Santos
New Brunswick Kiwanis Club
Cavin Saravanan
NBTHS Band Parents Association Instrumental Award
Love of Science Award
Abdul Savage
Carol A. Marks Memorial Scholarship for Excellence in Computer Technology
Bruce and Ann Marie Chandlee Scholarship
All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten: Nancy Allegro Memorial Scholarship
Pradeep Selvaraj
NBTHS Soccer Parents Association Scholar Athlete Award
Mathematics Department AP Statistics Award
Indo American Cultural Foundation of NJ Award
Param Sengar
Commended Students in the 2020 National Merit Scholarship Program
Joseph Sidotti
North Brunswick Soccer Club’s E. Brian Snediker Memorial Scholarship in Memory of Ryan T. Folger
Naomi Silva-Valencia
Student Government Organization Recognition Award
North Brunswick Board of Education Student Representative Award
NBTHS Band Parents Association Instrumental Award
Daniel Simpson
NBTHS Spirit Award
Raider Swimmer Award for All Around Excellence
Rina B. Pakenham Scholarship to a Student Best Reflecting the Ideals, Values and Spirit of NBTHS
Milton and Bernice Perlman Memorial Award for Community Service
Erika Sinche Sinche
Aubrey Pappas Memorial Scholarship
Corey Smith
E. Brian Snediker Memorial Scholarship in Memory of Edwin J. Snediker, Jr. for Basketball
Justin Soto
Aubrey Pappas Memorial Scholarship
Vaishnav Sunkireddy
NBTHS Soccer Parents Association Scholar Athlete Award
Habiba Tamraz
Donald Szabadics Woodworking Scholarship
Vikram Thiruganam
Learning Center Award
Brodie Thompson
Donald Szabadics Woodworking Scholarship
Prince Turay
John Adams PTA Award
Mr. John Cox Memorial Scholarship
Brandon Villegas
Cross Country Leader of the Year Award
Charlie Vizthum
NBTHS Band Parents Association Instrumental Award
Nora Walling
Henry J. Frundt Award for Excellence in Social Studies
German Club Award for Contributions to the German Club
Deer Brook Village Community Scholarship
Chartwells Educational Dining Scholarship
Jack Warren
Cross Country Leader of the Year Award
Nakaja Weaver
Daedalus, NBTHS Yearbook Award
Ihsaan Whitehurst
Learning Center Award
Lauren Wilson
National Art Honor Society
NBTH Band Parents Association Instrumental Award
Courtney Wint
Donald Szabadics Woodworking Scholarship
